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Selectmen Minutes September 8, 2003
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, September 8, 2003.

Present: James M. Hardy, Chairman
Eric W. Greene, Clerk
David L. Walsh
George Samia, Interim Executive Secretary
Catherine Johnson, Senior Clerk


Timothy Harhen and Mike Lawler of the East Bridgewater Firefighters Association were present to give the Board an update on Fill-the-Boot for MDA. Firefighter Harhen stated that $12,500.00 was raised, well beyond their expectations. Firefighter Harhen and Firefighter Lawler thanked the public for all their support.

Open Forum

No one present


Planning Board vacancies

Senator Joyce's office hours - Friday, September 19, 2003 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Interim Executive Secretary Report

Articles for Special Town Meeting with back-up information.

Action Items

m/Greene, s/Walsh, abstain-Hardy, approve the minutes of the September 2, 2003 meeting.

m/Greene, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the request of Joe Chodor of Boy Scout Troop 29 for use of Sachem Rock Farm from 9/26/03 - 9/28/03 for a BSA camping trip.

Board Discussion

Town Administrator job description draft was placed on the Town Website.

Department Head meeting scheduled for 9/17/03 at 8:00 a.m.
Board of Selectmen -2- September 8, 2003

Early retirement incentive program.

Beth Hayes' appointment, to fill a vacancy, to the School Committee.

Ralph Dumas' letter to update the Board regarding School Committee meeting on 8/28/03.

Southeastern Regional School assessment.

Letter from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

m/Green, s/Walsh, move to close Open Session.

VOTE: Yes - Greene, Hardy, Walsh; a unanimous vote in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Board of Selectmen